Rogue Belt Squat

Every so often belt squats come roaring back on the lifting scene as THE machine to have. The logic behind movement is sound . Take the weight off the shoulders to spare the back and make the legs scream. Generally the movement dies out because most belt squat machines just plain stink. Many of them have a pivot point out front that actually makes the movement feel like its more targeted to the the posterior than the legs.

The only belt squat that is worth the gym floor space is the Rogue belt squat. While this machine is largely featured in garage gyms, it is the best of its class. The cable coming straight out of the ground is what makes it so good. The cable style of belt squat keeps the tension where it is supposed to be and away from where it isn’t supposed to be. It is like the Westside Barbell belt squat in that way, but much, much smaller and easier to operate. This is a good belt squat.