Cybex Advanced Shoulder Press

As far as shoulder machines go, this is the best of the best. Anyone that’s lifted weights long enough will have experienced shoulder pain in one way or another. A lot of times this pain will make it difficult to do direct shoulder pressing in one form or another. You may stop doing direct shoulder work completely. This is a drastic mistake. Many of the best benchers have tremendously strong shoulders. Which brings us to this Cybex shoulder press. This movement is like a DB shuoulder press without all of the associated pain. It is unilateral, which means it works one arm at a time. And it is converging, which means the hands come together as the weight is pressed up  – this creates less of a stress on the shoulder, allowing for heavy weights to be used. This machine however will humble even strong lifters. The weight is nearly true to feel – 90lbs on this machine would feel a lot like DBs. This is a great machine to use to get stronger while avoiding the wear and tear common in most shoulder strengthening movements.